Getting in Shape after Baby

I know many of you (I will be SOON!) are looking to get back in shape after having a baby. There are a few things to remember when you are looking to start getting your pre-pregnancy figure back. Remember that it took you 9 months to put your pregnancy weight on and it will take some time to come off so don’t expect it to all come off right away. It may take some women a little more time to return to your exercise routine as you may have had a C-section; a c-section is major surgery-get your doctor’s clearance before you begin.


Once you have gotten your doctor’s “ok” for starting an exercise program again, start slow. Start with some brisk walking and light resistance training. As that starts to get easier, you may need to increase your frequency/duration/intensity of your workout. Try doing a walk/jog program and a more moderate resistance training program. If you started out with 30 min brisk walking-increase that to 30 min walk/jog and when that gets easier-try 30 min of straight jogging. You get the idea.


You may find that you need to be flexible with your workout time. You may not be able to do a straight hour of exercise-that’s okay! Breaking it up throughout the day will still get you results. Once you settle into a routine with your new little one, you may find you can keep with a regular workout time. You will have to take what you can get at first, maybe a little session when baby is napping will help. Just make sure to plan AHEAD what you will be doing. Personally, I have a program all lined up to do post baby and it will only take me 25 min a day! That is going to be PERFECT timing with a new baby and it will be FUN! I can’t wait!


Always remember to incorporate a resistance training program in your routine. Muscle is going to burn fat and increase your metabolism along with healthy nutrition. Make sure what you are putting in your body is going to “fuel” your body and muscles and give you energy. Stay away from the processed junk that will weigh you down and keep you from reaching your goals. You are going to need all the energy you can get to keep up with your baby’s schedule! It all comes down to living a healthy lifestyle and passing that on to your kids too!! 🙂



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